Prefix and Suffix Search

May 9, 2019


Given many words, words[i] has weight i.

Design a class WordFilter that supports one function, WordFilter.f(String prefix, String suffix). It will return the word with given prefix and suffix with maximum weight. If no word exists, return -1.


WordFilter.f("a", "e") // returns 0
WordFilter.f("b", "") // returns -1


words has length in range [1, 15000].
For each test case, up to words.length queries WordFilter.f may be made.
words[i] has length in range [1, 10].
prefix, suffix have lengths in range [0, 10].
words[i] and prefix, suffix queries consist of lowercase letters only.


Using hash map solution:

type WordFilter struct {
    cache map[string]int

func Constructor(words []string) WordFilter {
    cache := make(map[string]int)
    for index, w := range words {
        n := len(w)
        for i := 0; i <= min(n, 10); i++ {
            prefix := w[:i] 
            for j := max(0, n-10); j <= n; j++ {
                suffix := w[j:]                
                key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", prefix, suffix)
                cache[key] = index
    return WordFilter{cache}

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a < b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func (this *WordFilter) F(prefix string, suffix string) int {
    key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", prefix, suffix)
    if v, ok := this.cache[key]; ok {
        return v
    return -1

 * Your WordFilter object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * obj := Constructor(words);
 * param_1 := obj.F(prefix,suffix);


The first and very straigt forward solution is to use hash map. We can encode all combinations of the strings that possibly could be requested. All we need is to store hash map of prefixes joined with suffixes to make this possible.

Lets optimize the task and move data from hash map to trait. We already know that number of letters are 26 (from ‘a’ to ‘z’) and we need to reseve one slot for separator. Let’s keep the separator in the slot 0 and the rest of array will be references to other traits (26).

Here is the solution

Another solution

Trie 27 solution

const (
    trieSize = 27

type trie struct {
    list    []*trie   // lets keep separator in 0, and 1-26 are for letters a-z
    weight  int       // lets keep -1 for non-leaf nodes

var empty = &trie{ nil, -1 }

func (t *trie) find(idx int) *trie {
    if t.list == nil {
        return empty
    c := t.list[idx]
    if c == nil {
        return empty
    } else {
        return c

func (t *trie) upsert(idx int) *trie {
    if t.list == nil {
        t.list = make([]*trie, trieSize)
    c := t.list[idx]
    if c == nil {
        c = &trie{nil, -1}
        t.list[idx] = c
    return c

func (t *trie) put(prefix, suffix string, weight int) {
    node := t
    for _, ch := range prefix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.upsert(idx)    
    node = node.upsert(0)
    for _, ch := range suffix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.upsert(idx)    
    node.weight = weight

func (t *trie) get(prefix, suffix string) int {
    node := t
    for _, ch := range prefix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.find(idx)    
    node = node.find(0)
    for _, ch := range suffix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.find(idx)    
    return node.weight   

type WordFilter struct {
    root *trie

func Constructor(words []string) WordFilter {
    root := &trie{ make([]*trie, trieSize), -1 }
    for index, w := range words {
        n := len(w)
        for i := 0; i <= min(n, 10); i++ {
            prefix := w[:i] 
            for j := max(0, n-10); j <= n; j++ {
                suffix := w[j:]         
                root.put(prefix, suffix, index)
    return WordFilter{root}

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a < b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func (this *WordFilter) F(prefix string, suffix string) int {
    return this.root.get(prefix, suffix)

 * Your WordFilter object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * obj := Constructor(words);
 * param_1 := obj.F(prefix,suffix);

We can reverse prefix and suffix in trie storage, in this case it would be easy to add entries. Here we go:

const (
    trieSize = 27

type trie struct {
    list    []*trie   // lets keep separator in 0, and 1-26 are for letters a-z
    weight  int       // lets keep -1 for non-leaf nodes

var empty = &trie{ nil, -1 }

func (t *trie) find(idx int) *trie {
    if t.list == nil {
        return empty
    c := t.list[idx]
    if c == nil {
        return empty
    } else {
        return c

func (t *trie) upsert(idx int) *trie {
    if t.list == nil {
        t.list = make([]*trie, trieSize)
    c := t.list[idx]
    if c == nil {
        c = &trie{nil, -1}
        t.list[idx] = c
    return c

func (t *trie) put(prefix, suffix string, weight int) {
    node := t
    for _, ch := range suffix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.upsert(idx)    
    node = node.upsert(0)
    node.weight = weight
    for _, ch := range prefix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.upsert(idx)    
        node.weight = weight

func (t *trie) get(prefix, suffix string) int {
    node := t
    for _, ch := range suffix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.find(idx)    
    node = node.find(0)
    for _, ch := range prefix {
        idx := int(ch - 'a' + 1)
        node = node.find(idx)    
    return node.weight   

type WordFilter struct {
    root *trie

func Constructor(words []string) WordFilter {
    root := &trie{ make([]*trie, trieSize), -1 }
    for weight, w := range words {
        n := len(w)
        prefix := w[:min(n, 10)] 
        for j := max(0, n-10); j <= n; j++ {
            suffix := w[j:]         
            root.put(prefix, suffix, weight)
    return WordFilter{root}

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a < b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b {
        return a
    } else {
        return b

func (this *WordFilter) F(prefix string, suffix string) int {
    return this.root.get(prefix, suffix)

 * Your WordFilter object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * obj := Constructor(words);
 * param_1 := obj.F(prefix,suffix);


Trie is always faster solution than hash map.

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